Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Motherhood is hard isn't it?
You have all these ideas in your head about things that you will do, or want to do, and they end before they even really start. You realize you have another human you are responsible for and they come first. You know, things like 'start a blog' or 'go to the gym' or 'make dinner'. So it's been over a year since my first post on here, and I just stopped... because motherhood is... hard.

But it is pretty amazing too, right? Everything that comes with the hard is so so so good. Like somehow even though you have said 15 times to "PLEASE stop eating crayons", it is still so cute when they have yellow, red and purple smiles looking up at you.
Or when you get frustrated because they won't stop throwing books down the stairs but while you are cleaning them up they come up behind you and kiss your back.
Or when they wake up at 3 am and you are so tired you want to scream but they snuggle into you and say 'wuv yuv mama' as they drift back to sleep.
Yes, the bitter with the sweet makes the sweet so much sweeter.

So motherhood has been here, all consuming. But I want to give this another shot. Because... well because why not.

Here are some photos of my not so baby, baby, who is now a whopping 19 months old!

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